It’s our Annual Meeting—Zoom style!
The Covid pandemic has required WCHS to change up our annual meeting and, while we’re all missing pie this year, we’re looking forward to this virtual event on Tuesday, October 27th at 7:00pm. Join the entire Board of Directors and staff for a brief review of our past years’ accomplishments, programming for the upcoming year, elections of board members, a one-day only online sealed-bid auction, and door prizes for participants!
To receive the Zoom link invitation to the meeting please RSVP HERE.
Note: The one-day online sealed-bid auction will start on Monday, October 26 at 7:00pm and close at the end of the Annual Meeting on Tuesday, October 27th at approximately 7:30pm.
Sealed-bid online auctions are different from our December online auction. This kind of auction see the item goes to the highest bidder, but rather than have a continuous bidding war, buyers submit only a single online bid—what they are willing to pay for the item. Once all the participants have made their online bids, staff will review them all. The highest bid wins the item and will be informed through email or phone. All items will be posted online.