Festival of Trees — WCHS

2024 Festival of Trees

That’s a wrap for 2024! Congratulations to all winners, and check out our annual end-of-season video posted below!


2024 Festival of Trees

Did you attend the Festival of Trees 2024? Are interested in volunteering for this year’s event? Would you like to decorate a tree in 2025?

We’d love to hear from you—just click the corresponding button below.


18th Annual Festival of Trees Results

Thank you to the 3900+ visitors who, over the course of five weeks, cast thousands of votes for their favorite Community & WCHS trees, Wright County Historical Society staff battle, and our new addition—WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT WREATH WARS!!

A total of 89 trees were decorated for 2024, making WCHS’s Festival of Trees the largest indoor tree display in Minnesota!

For a pdf of all winners and information please click HERE.



Congratulations to all 2024 Winners!


“Gryffindor Common Room & Tree”, WCHS Staff & Volunteers


First Place: “Fa-la-la-la-mingo” by Karie Bruder & Jenny White

Second Place: "Whisking You a Merry Christmas” by Buffalo Historical Society

Third Place: “Inside Out” by STRIVE Therapy

COMMUNITY DECORATED - Boosted Category**

First Place: “Angels We Crochet on High” by Pete’s Blankets of Hope

Second Place: "Our Heroes” by the Wright County Blue Star Mothers

Third Place: “Just Elfing Around” by Cynthia, Lisa & Zoe (Diamond Z Imprints)


First Place: “Gryffindor Tree/Commons Room” by Sally Stevens & Becky Severud

Second Place: “A Mother’s Pride” by Sally Stevens

Third Place: “Nature’s Bounty” by Karen Jacobson


OVERALL-First Place: “A Grinchy Christmas” by the Waiver & Community Support Team

OVERALL-Second Place: “Celebrating Veterans” by Veterans Services

CREATIVE-First Place: “Recycled Wreath” by Maintenance #3

CREATIVE-Second Place: “Key to the Holiday” by Maintenance #2

BATTLE of the WCHS Staff Members

First Place: '“Hand Embroidered Birds”, Mary Bischoff, Reference Librarian


Geoff’s Pick: “Nature’s Bounty”, decorated by Karen Jacobson

Marisa’s Pick: “Traditions: 1960’s Aluminum Tree”, decorated by WCHS Staff & Volunteers

Sally’s Pick: “Ugly Christmas Sweater”, decorated by Silver Creek Cabin  

Ember’s Pick: “Irene’s Cardinals”, decorated by Becky Severud

Mary’s Pick: “Whisking You a Merry Christmas”, decorated by the Buffalo Historical Society

*The ‘PRIME’ category is the largest grouping of entries and represent those participants who were provided a standard 6.5’ tree from WCHS’s collection.

**The ‘BOOSTED’ category represents those participants who provided their own trees, special submissions, and trees other than the standard 6.5’ size provided in WCHS’s ‘prime’ category. BOOSTED entries are designated by the entrant and/or the Festival of Trees coordinators.”